PAIN: AN INTERPRICATION IN YOUR BRAIN Listen to this fascinating TED talk by leading researcher Lorimer Moseley on why things hurt We can use our minds to train our brains to interpret pain differently.
PAIN: AN INTERPRICATION IN YOUR BRAIN Listen to this fascinating TED talk by leading researcher Lorimer Moseley on why things hurt We can use our minds to train our brains to interpret pain differently.
Ankle BracesMisconception 1: An ankle sprain will put you out of action for 6 weeks Fact: With a mild ankle sprain you can return to sport in 10 days How to identify a mild ankle sprain: Post injury you should be able to walk normally, with the possibility of a slight limp. You won’t be able to run and will […]
TIPS ON LOWER BACK PAIN AND HAMSTRING STRETCHES Many cyclists struggle with lower back pain when cycling. This can be due to incorrect bike setup or size. Tight Hamstrings or weak lower back stabilisers relative to Hamstring strength can also be the reason: see http://physioactive.co.za/lower-back-pain-cycling/ . A good physiotherapist will be able to establish […]
ANIMATED POSTURE VIDEO Please take one minute to look at this lovely animated video with practical advice on posture and lifestyle for the whole family. Please click on the link to see the video: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152356396177215
CHRONIC FATIGUE / ME – SENSIBLE GRADED EXERCISE THERAPY (GET) GET = Graded Exercise Therapy Please look at this very good self help guide. It was developed for people for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), but it is a very effective and sensible approach for other people who struggle with a boom-bust energy […]
Does your back ache when you cycle? Lower back pain is a common problem experienced by cyclists, with over 40% of cyclists experiencing cycling related lower back pain. The sustained flexed posture that cyclists maintain during cycling may create increased strain on the lower back contributing to the development of LBP. This does not mean […]
PILATES: WHEN ARE YOU OVERDOING IT? Look at this hilarious video to show what unsustainable “stabilisation” is (this may look like it has nothing to do with Pilates, but it has everything to do with applied Pilates): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJCLKenykco We often see people who have been doing Pilates, but not been getting the benefits, due to […]
LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENT We as medical professionals must listen to our patients! It has been shown that 90% of the information one needs for an accurate diagnosis comes from a patient’s opening statement. It is therefore very important for practitioners to attempt not to interrupt patients, to clarify any uncertainties and to communicate very […]
Ergonomics: Correct sitting posture and Chair recommendations Optimal ergonomics are important to prevent or limit desk related back pain, neck pain and work related upper limb disorder [previously called RSI: repetitive strain injury]. Make sure you have a good adjustable ergonomic chair. Ask your physiotherapist for advice re: seat height, desk height, arm support and […]
Recovery Modalities for Endurance Athletes Training and Recovery for Endurance Athletes Endurance training programs need careful planning to ensure that the benefits of strengthening and running are gained, while avoiding or minimising fatigue and injuries. A good training program needs to consider a few important components. Firstly, the strength and flexibility of the anatomical structures […]